Friday 1 January 2016

The compulsory

In 2014 my first full length short story was published by AE, The Canadian Science Fiction Review. Despite AE being a professional-rates publisher, it seems no-one noticed that the story was technically eligible for an award.

I say technically, because it's pretty difficult even to get nominated for awards, let alone shortlisted, let alone selected. However it's even more difficult if you don't make it on to the list of the eligible.

Now some people might say that being utterly overlooked was all my own fault for not blowing my own trumpet. Actually my trumpet is in its case somewhere in the attic and hasn't been seen out for years.

But what they actually mean, it seems, is that writers are supposed to list their publications for the year in some convenient place, such as here on my blog, where all the relevant authorities are likely to find it.  Because of course all the people who decide who gets what award read my blog assiduously. Naturally.

So this time around I've decided to follow that advice. We shall see if it makes any difference.

I don't really expect to be nominated for any awards. Really.  Though there's always that little thought at the back of your mind that it's not actually impossible. And if you don't enter, you can't win.

So here are my:


The Old Man on the Green - T Gene Davis's Speculative Blog
If it is true that the Devil makes work for idle hands, then the Devil never met Old Joe.
The Man on the Church Street Omnibus - The Sockdolager
From Gloucester Road to Kensington Church Street is two stops of the dark-green-liveried public omnibus, operated by the Kensington and Hammersmith Company for the benefit of local inhabitants and the great profit of its shareholders. 
The Waiting Room -  Flame Tree Publishing's anthology 'Chilling Ghost Short Stories'
To a man utterly lost, walking forward seems preferable to standing still; somehow movement gives purpose to a stateless existence.
I enjoyed my best year to date, with six other acceptances, but these were the only three actually to make it all the way to print during the course of the year.

If anyone remembers enjoying any of these, please do feel free to nominate and vote accordingly.

Perhaps I won't hold my breath, though.

Philip Brian Hall

Happy New Year Everyone!

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